
Gesa R avatar image
Gesa R asked Regan Blackett answered

How to access a label for push to list?


I push an item to a list (OnEntry of a queue). The item is a pallet with a box on it. The box has the label "Quantity" (array). How can I write this information to the global list?

I tried the label field but get the labels of the pallet,

and I tried the expression field but don't know what param(1) is or which commands I need.

  1. Variant value = param(1);
  3. Variant puller = param(2);
  5. treenode entry = param(3);
  8. return /**/value.?/**direct*/;

Thank you for helping.

FlexSim 18.0.5
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered

If the Pallet is the thing that is getting pushed to the List, the Expression field is the right way to go, and the expression would just be

  1. value.first.Quantity

'value' is the thing that gets pushed to the list (pallet), 'first' refers to the first thing inside the value (box) and 'Quantity' is the label you assigned to it. As long as the pallet always just has one box in it, then this should be fine. Otherwise you might instead consider pushing the flowitems inside the pallet to the List and approach it that way.

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