
Gesa R avatar image
Gesa R asked Joshua S answered

Add label to token with Process Flow instance information


when I have different instances of a process flow e.g. 3 queues, how can I write a label to a token with the information about the running instance.

I know each token is independant but I need to know because some times I want to shut down a specific instance.

Thank you for helping.

FlexSim 18.0.5
process flowflexscriptlabelsinstanced process flowinstance
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered

Using the reference word "current" points to that instance object. Wherever you are assigning that label, use current.desired_information_here for the value. For example, if you want to shut down queue 2, then you can use the value, then have something that looks for the name of queue 2 and then acts upon that information.

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