
Mason W avatar image
Mason W asked Braydn T commented

Exclude Downtime from Dashboard Templates

Hi all,

Is there any way to exclude downtime from being calculate in the dashboard templates? For instance, I want to run the model for a week,but I have given Downtime as there are no operations over night. Currently, the chart templates continue to calculate during the downtime and skew all the statistics I'm tracking. I want the templates to calculate up to the downtime point then resume when the model is operational the next day.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 18.0.3
dashboardsstatisticsmtbf mttrchart templates
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1 Answer

Monika Sokół avatar image
Monika Sokół answered Braydn T commented

You need to exclude this state from analysis.

I attached a simle model.20180614-model-excluded-down-time.fsm

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