
Mason W avatar image
Mason W asked Joshua S answered

Area Restriction with Multiple Output Ports

Hi all,

I'm trying to restrict an area on the conveyor, but by using two output ports rather than one. Basically, I don't want there to be more than 3 flowitems between the three decision points on the conveyor at any time. How would I go about doing this? I' sure there's a simple answer I'm just missing it. Attached is a simple model demonstrating the scenario.


Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 18.0.3
decision points
sample-model.fsm (30.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

Here's a simple way of doing it with process flow and zones. Some of the issues arising with entering areas and acquiring them is since you have a branch, and will probably have more branches, you have to control the Entry of 2+ areas. The enter area logic is usually built for the converging of multiple conveyors into 1. Zoning allows you to manage all of this more easily. Hope this helps.12569-sample-model.fsm

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