
HUNGKUAN W avatar image
HUNGKUAN W asked Joshua S commented

How to do a many to many system using Process Flow

I want to do a project based on the tutorial of process flow 1.2

I Want to have more station ,each have their own resources(Cars) , but I don't know how to change the amount of resource , it's it possible ? Or I have to use One resource with different label instead?

And how should I set the flow item to different destination(following some distrubution).

last , it's it possible to do it connectionlessly ?
In the queue, I have change the output like

cause I wanna pulled the unpatient customer to the sink , but it didn't work.

I'm a beginner so the questions might be stupid , and Please forgive me if I make any errors; my English is a little weak.

Thanks for the helps !


FlexSim 18.1.2
listpull from list
2018-07-09-1.png (119.0 KiB)
sharedcar.fsm (39.3 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Joshua S commented

You can set the destination by distribution by filling in the "Send To Port" with a distribution, as shown in the picture below

Would you like each station to have their own car that is continually transporting for only that station?

You can definitely do your model connectionless if you want, but it is not working because you have to designate which car you want to use next to the "Use Transport" button in your picture.

If you want to send items to a list, you have to enter that in the "Send To Port", and select push to list as shown in the picture below. Hopefully this can help you get a little further.

pic1.png (8.4 KiB)
pic2.png (40.9 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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