
Brendon N avatar image
Brendon N asked tannerp commented

Send object to a certain exit transfer on conveyor

I have a source of items coming on to a conveyor, each has a number label specifying which exit transfer/divert conveyor it should go to. How can I send each item to its correct divert conveyor via process flow?

Also, how do it get it so that the item stops on the conveyor instead of off the edge like it is in the attached photo?


FlexSim 18.2.0
conveyorexit transferconveyor transfertransfers
capture.png (243.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp commented
@Brendon N

The solution to your problem can be found in the tutorials for Sorting Systems; Decision Points and Photo Eyes are both great for traffic control on conveyors. I'd recommend reviewing this tutorial (found in "Additional Tools Tutorials 1.1") and the model I've attached to see how Decision Points can be used. Hope this helps!

Model: conveyor-sorting.fsm

· 1
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