source-arrival-schedule.fsmI'm having difficult trying to explain this in words so bear with me. In the model attached, I'm trying to create an arrival "schedule" based off a per-week demand. I'm creating "lots", which are four flowitems from separate sources, each source/flowitem is an ingredient that makes up one "Lot". We have three sizes of Lots, 1 mg, 2 mg, and 3 mg.
My goal is to have my model represent different amounts of lots in a scenario that may frequently changed based off of our demand. An example would be, in a two week period, (3 shifts, 8 hours/shift) I need to make 3 lots of the 1 mg, then one lot of the 2 mg ,then back to three 1 mg lots and finish with 1, 2 mg lot. Then, in the third week, make 3 lots of 1 mg, and 1 lot of 3mg.
I know how to create schedules based on model time, or specific hours in the day etc. Again, sorry for the wordiness and confusing request.