
Julian R2 avatar image
Julian R2 asked Ben Wilson commented

If-then-else - conveyor decision point


I´m a beginner in FlexSim and I'm modeling a conveyor system. I defined a label for my two types of boxes. First type has value set on "1", second type on "2".

In one decision point, 89% of my boxes with value "1" and 57% of my boxes with value "2" should be separate on another conveyor.
My idea was to create something like a "if-then-else"-logic like:

"If item.Kartonytyp==1, bernoulli(89,1,0)

else bernoulli(57,1,0)"

I´m absolutely not sure about the syntax. Can anyone help me with that or does anyone have a better solution for that?



FlexSim 18.1.1
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered Ben Wilson commented

@Julian R2

You should connect the conveyors with accuracy. If they are connected with accuracy, the rectangular small box remark appears in connected point and the decision point object should be drag and dropped on the conveyors. They also show the cross line in the center and so the decision point is valid.

Your model looks like good. I did not look carefully other parts and only fixed the curved conveyor and decision point and the positions of them.


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