
Lucas Klein avatar image
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Lucas Klein asked Jordan Johnson answered

Model execution time

Dear all, I have a few questions about model simulation time below:

1 - I am working in a model and I am using the FlexScript Code Profile to search for "heavy" logics that might be slowing down my model. My doubt is that if is there another tool that could help me to find out these logics and if FlexScript Code Profile works as well for ProcessFlow logics as for code analysis (like triggers, UserCommands, etc.)

2 - Does ProcessFlow executes the activities faster than coding them in FlexScript?

3 - About the ProcessFlow activities, is there any list or analysis comparing the activities according to time of execution or wich one impacts more the execution time of a model, since there is activities that requires some constant check (e.g. Wait for Event) and others that is just pontual code (e.g. Assign Label).

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 18.0.7
process flowflexscriptmodel speed
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

Things that can slow down a model significantly:

  1. Using a delay to frequently check for some value to change. Use event listening or lists instead.
  2. Queries in a Pull from List. If you frequently query a large list, that will be slow. Use partitions or multiple lists to avoid WHERE statements. Try to avoid ORDER BY statements wherever possible.
  3. Back Order Queue Strategies on the List or the Zone. These are just queries. That query is run every time something exits the Zone, or is pulled from a list. The "table" being queried is a list of tokens, either on a the Pull from List activity, or an Enter Zone activity. If tokens frequently leave the zone, and there are lots of tokens trying to enter, this will be slow. With a list, if tokens are frequently pushed on the list, and there are many tokens trying to pull, it will be slow.
  4. Searching a table frequently. For example, if 100k tokens all search for a certain row in a 50k row table, then you are reading the table up to 5 million times. Instead, use a list like a map; the partition can be some value, and the entry can be the row number.
  5. Busy or nested for loops. If lots of tokens execute a loop lots of times, you end up multiplying the work. Try to avoid these.

Those are the biggest ones I see frequently.

To find slow things:

  1. Read the list above, and look for those things
  2. Run the model for a while, and look for the following:
    1. Activities where tokens "pile up". Is there a query being run on those tokens? Is there a way to have the activities wait somewhere less expensive?
    2. Activities with high input/output statistics. Check any loops of activities, and see how many times the activities are being executed. Are there simpler activities that could be used?
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Phil BoBo edited

Hi Lucas,

@phil.bobo and @jordan.johnson will be able to comment better on raw performance of FlexScript vs Process Flow

It is worth noting that in each case the execution speed will be greatly dependent on the modeler's implementation of the logic. There are certainly fast and slow approaches to accomplishing the same task, regardless of the tool.

It's possible that if you attach your model, our support team could suggest ways to improve your algorithms to be more efficient. But perhaps they are already very efficient and your problem is just a hard one to solve. Unfortunately without your model we can't offer anything more concrete.

Hopefully Phil or Jordan will provide an answer to your questions 1-3, which this answer avoids since I don't know that info, and I'm really just trying to grab their attention so they'll answer your questions. Good luck!

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