
Jason Z avatar image
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Jason Z asked Phil BoBo edited

Can Flexsim call a third party dll?

I used to call a dll (named A.dll) which was written by myself in Flexsim, and the A.dll was invoked successfully. However, if I added extra some code in A.dll, which command the A.dll to call B.dll that was written by another programmer (B.dll was not written in the grammar that flexsim specified) , A.dll can not be invoked successfully.

Can Flexsim call a third party dll? Or, in another way, should the B.dll also be written in the grammar that flexsim specified?

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Yes, you can call a third party dll from a dll built with the FlexSim DLL Maker. That will work just fine.

If you are having trouble with doing that, then you'll need to post more information so that we can duplicate the issue you are having to explain why it is happening. In general, that procedure works fine.

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