
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Patrick Cloutier commented

Stats don't work on multilocation (waiting room)

Hello, I don't seem to be able to see any stats on multilocation objects (waiting rooms).

But it works fine for location objects and waiting lines.

Even when I look at an sample model given at the training last month I get the same problem.

Anything I'm doing wrong or is it a bug ?


FlexSim 18.2.2
people modulestatsmultilocation
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Patrick Cloutier commented

Each SubLocation is a Location object and keeps track of its own stats. If you set the MultiLocation to Edit mode you can click on individual SubLocations and see their stats.

As far as getting stats across the entire MultiLocation, the input, output, and content are tracked on their own stats nodes (>stats/inputTotal, >stats/outputTotal, and >stats/contentTotal).

There is one case where the regular stats on the MultiLocation are updated though. If you send people to the MultiLocation without first acquiring a spot, the MultiLocation will find an open spot for the person and put them in it. However, if there are no open spots the person is allowed to enter directly into the MultiLocation. In this case the object's standard stats are updated since a person actually entered it. In effect, this shows you stats about the number of people who went to the waiting room and weren't able to sit down.

Take a look at this sample model that shows the scenario I mentioned in Chairs2 around time 50:


· 2
5 |100000

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