coordtask.fsmIn this concept model that represents a job shop, there are two shifts of operators (yellow/day and blue/night) that move and process jobs. I am using Process Flow to handle task sequences because the operators need to use shared handling equipment to move parts (fork lift for general use, crane for large items).
The first problem: Only one shift should receive and perform tasks at a time. This is handled with a time table for each shift. Early in the model, all of day shift is busy so a night shift operator is assigned to a token (they are all part of the same resource group). It is stopped and cannot do the task, so the model becomes stuck. How can the Process Flow be prohibited from acquiring stopped/down resources?
The second problem: In the larger/complex model, the operators are holding their tasks when their shift ends. Resources (processors, transporters) are held, unusable, and the WIP tasks do not progress until the shift that worked on them starts up again. Most task elements are short (load, travel, unload) and should be completed before the operator stops/goes off shift. Processing (Process Job>Wait for Process Finish) is the exception, as some jobs can take multiple days to complete. How can I force some elements to be completed before going off shift (priority?) and others to be handed off to different operators (preemption?)?