
ernesto daniel AG avatar image
ernesto daniel AG asked Joshua S answered

help with animation



Hello everyone, I have a small problem with a simulation and animation. at the moment of transporting operator 1 to the pallet it is returned to the first time and the following times it remains in the pallet waiting, when it would not have to do that, also some flaws appear in the "system console" that I do not know how to avoid Could you support me? I share the model in the model "animationRobot2" shows the behavior that interests me but is with two conveyors one over another. in the model "animacionRobot999" is where I would like to be supported, so that it looks like the "animacionRobot" model with only one conveyor.

FlexSim 18.2.0
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

I don't know which place should be home for your operators so they are constantly going back there when they are finished with their task. Your operators are hanging around the pallet because the processor right next to them is having them work on the processing of the item, so since they are already at the processor, they stand there processing the item which may look like they hanging around at the pallet because of how close proximity they are to each other. I made some changes to your model, there was some issues with the message you were sending to the robot that was causing the error, you can just send 1 message and have param1 be the item.Type-1 which will run the right animation. I also spaced the 3D objects out just so you can see what is happening better, they aren't in the correct position anymore. animacionrobot-999-1.fsm

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