
Tam P avatar image
Tam P asked Tam P commented

Code for tutorial seems right but its not working

proflowcinqtutprtdeux.fsmI am getting this error message

time: 4.192457 exception: FlexScript exception: label rollObjectCopy doesn't exist on token id: 18 at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/Sticker Roll Logic/Change Visual: Resize Roll>variables/codeNode

I went to the Model tree to see what is wrong but nothing looks wrong. Process Flow Tutorial. Section 4.4 Steps 6 and 7. I am also confused about Step 5 about the List.

FlexSim 18.1.1
tutorial flexsim
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Isaac Litster avatar image
Isaac Litster answered Tam P commented

Hi @Tam P

It looks like you used a global list rather than an internal list in your Sticker Roll Logic Process Flow. I also noticed that the Push to List: Sticker Rolls in Use and Pull from List: Sticker Rolls were pushing and pulling from the List: Rolls in Storage rather than the List: Sticker rolls in Use.

Let me know if you have any more questions. I have attached the fixed model below in version 18.1.


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Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Tam P commented

For some reason the connector was routing to Change Visual before going through Assign Labels, visually everything looked right, don't know why it was doing that. Just move the connection point to the top of the activity as shown in the picture below.

Step 5 is about how you can add label fields to lists. These Label fields grab the label on the items in the list, and if it has a label with the same name as the Label Field, it will save it so you can use it as a query when you pull from the list.

pic1.png (40.3 KiB)
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