
Kamil KS avatar image
Kamil KS asked Kamil KS commented

How to get a time from source blocking operation ?


When a Source is moving an item to a Queue that has no free space it blocks an item. I need a time of process delay cause of this situations.

My idea is to build the 2nd Queue where items go when there is no space. Than I want to tell operator that he needs to collect an item from Queue2 with a priority. Other option is when items go to the 2nd Queue and there will be free space in 1st Queue it needs to move items from Q2 to Q1 immediately.

After all if I could do this all I would do a dashboard with a time that items are in Q2 to collect Data.

I am not so familiar with process Flow to creat such a logic.


FlexSim 18.2.0
source control
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Kamil KS commented

I simplified your process flow. The changes I made to your model was connect your arrival source to W8Q so that when Bufor overflows it automatically pushes items to W8Q. I then added a On Entry tigger to both Queues which set a priority, W8Q is a priority 1, and Bufor is a priority 1. For both Queues I set their Send to Port for their Flow to Push to List. Now In process flow I added a query to the pull from list so that it will always pull items with the highest priority first. See if this is what you are looking for.15822-sourceblockingcondition.fsm

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Kamil KS avatar image Kamil KS commented ·

I am trying to make another condition, that transporters are traveling only when they are having 2 pallets (maximum capacity) but I am not quite sure how to do it. Could you help me ? I really appreciate your help. transportationlogic-v03.fsm

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