
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image
Paúl Alejandro R asked tannerp edited

Pull strategy using list in process flow

model-example.fsmHi, I'm using a list to push items in batches. These batches can be processed by different processors that pull a batch from the list. I am trying to find a way to establish a pull strategy that allows prioritizing processors 4 and 5 (red ones). This means that each time the list has a batch, the operator must move this batch to processor 4 or 5. Only if these processors are busy or the batch is smaller than the required number configured in "Pull from list", the operator must move the batches to the other idle processors.

FlexSim 18.1.1
pull strategy
model-example.fsm (67.4 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·

@Paúl Alejandro R

Just to make sure I understand the process. Are you trying to change it so anything can be processed by any of the processors but it should first prioritize processors 4 and 5? Or are there still items that can only be processed by specific processors?

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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
1 Like"
Raja Sekaran answered Paúl Alejandro R commented

@Paúl Alejandro R

I have reattached your model with changes.

I have created one group called "Group1" and add all the five processors. Then create a label "priority" and assign the value to each processor. Then defined the below query in the processor acquire resource activity.

Hope this helps,



screenshot.png (9.8 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

@Raja Sekaran

Thank you. The model works pretty well. Please could you tell me how can I change the priority order of the processors?. For example, if later I need to prioritize processors 2 and 3. I have never used the query ORDER BY priority DESC before.

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Raja Sekaran avatar image Raja Sekaran Paúl Alejandro R commented ·
@Paúl Alejandro R

Currently, I have given high priority to the processor 4 and 5 by assigning the "priority" label value as 1 in both processors. Also assigned the "priority" label value as 0 for the remaining processors.

If you want to change the priority order of the processors, you can update the priority label value for all the processors accordingly.

As per your example, If you need to prioritize the processors 2 and 3, Assign priority label value as 1 for the processors 2 and 3, and assign the priority label value as 0 for the remaining processors.

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screenshot.png (23.1 KiB)
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image Paúl Alejandro R commented ·

@Raja Sekaran

I have reviewed the model in detail, and I realized that at the beggining Flexsim is pulling from list a quantity of items and then decides where processor to move them. However, it is necessary to recalculate the quantity of items that could be pulling. For example, the operator is taken 9 items, according to request number of processor 1, and then decide to move them to processor 4 (due to priority), but processor 4 allows to processor more items (request number = 90). I try to incorporate a second pull from list ussing labels configured in processors (maxcapacity and mincapacity), but it does not work. Please could you help me findind a better way to incoprporate this logic. Thanks in advance.


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