I have several global variables ( variable1, variable2, variable3,...) and I want to call the the variable depending on the type since there are multiple types. For example:
if type=1
I have several global variables ( variable1, variable2, variable3,...) and I want to call the the variable depending on the type since there are multiple types. For example:
if type=1
Can you give us some more information? Do you work in ProcessFlow or in a Trigger in the 3D Objects? Are you familiar with coding in FlexSim or better said, did you ever use a "Switch" command?
As shown in the User Manual:
@Lucy You could also put the global variables in an array and use the index to have access to a particular global variable
I think this can work, but where do I add the array for a global variable?
@Lucy Just where you also create a normal global variable:
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