
daniel M13 avatar image
daniel M13 asked Matt Long answered

how to accum flowitens before starting processing them?

i need to make the processor wait for 40 pieces to arrive (separately) and after that start processing for 50 minutes. Can anybody help me solve this?

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered

You could do this with a Processor alone, but it would likely require a bit of coding, or at least using some of the picklist options. Instead, I would suggest using a Queue and a Processor. The Queue has the ability to batch flowitems and then release a batch all at once.

I've attached a sample modeling showing how to do this. The queue has a batch size of 40. Once the batch has been collected, it will release all 40 flowitems to the processor (who has a max content of 40) and the processor will then process the items for 50 min.


batchflowitems.fsm (17.1 KiB)
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