
Lucy avatar image
Lucy asked tannerp commented

How can i fix the following error?

Flexsim Model floor is not a valid dispatcher and the task sequence can not be dispatch.

FlexSim 18.2.0
task sequencedispatchertask sequence and processors
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered

Somewhere you are trying to use a task sequence, but it is trying to use the FlexsimModelFloor object as the Task Executer or Dispatcher. It is probably a mistype or the Sampler was used and accidentally selected the wrong object.

There are three common places to use Task Sequences. First, it could be in a Fixed Resource's (like a Queue or Processor) Flow tab where you are trying to use a Task Executer to transport flowitems from the Fixed Resource to another object. Second, it could also be in a Processor's Process tab (or a (MultiProcessor's MultiProcessor tab) if you are trying to use an Operator for Setup or Process time. And finally, there are some Task Sequence activities in Process Flow that will create and dispatch task sequences for you. These activities have a field called "Executer / Task Sequence" where the wrong reference may be.

In any of these cases, you'll just need to change the reference to the Task Executer or Dispatcher you want to use. If you're not sure what needs to be changed, please upload your model as a comment to your original post and we can help track down what needs to be changed.

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