
Victor Alejandro HT avatar image
Victor Alejandro HT asked Victor Alejandro HT commented

Set up state for processor and operator using time tables

Hi everyone,

In my model I need that the set up state is shown in a dashboard for both an operator and a processor, I used separate time tables for both, the utilization/processing is shown the way I wanted to but the set up it only appears for the processor.

I tried to made a PF logic to solve this, with no success.

Any suggestion is welcomed. It is important to mention that I need the 4 states to be shown (On break, Utilize, Set up and Proceesing).


Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 18.2.2
dashboard displaytime tables
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Victor Alejandro HT commented

The operator is called to assist for set up and processing. The operator gets utilize tasksequences for this assisting duty. As long as the processor option Pick operator(s) both for setup and process isn't set the FlexSim engine creates two utilize tasksequence.

This is important, because you can set the state in the utilize task to any kind. The standard is for the variable 0 and is evaluated to the utilize state. But you can set it to STATE_SETUP or STATE_PROCESSING. Those strings are macros that define the values passed into the utilize task.

You have to put the values in the utilize tasksequence before the task gets executed by the operator.

  1. You can write your own utilize tasksequences and dispatch them in the Pick Operator function of the operator. The Template "Task Sequence Example" is a good start:

    my added code comments start with JV

  2. You can alter the dispatched tasksequence of the processor when the tasksequence is received by the operator or dispatcher.

The state of the utilize task is passed in the command as the first variable.

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Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Victor Alejandro HT commented

You won't get a processing or setup state for the operator, he is only used by the machine so it will always show utilized for for those tasks. One possible solution is using event triggered sources so that every time the state of the processor changes to setup or processing, it sets the state of the operator to the state you want him to be in. You will have to play around with this since if you put him in the setup state, unless another state tells him to change, he will stay in the setup state for longer than is necessary.

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