
Ameen S3 avatar image
Ameen S3 asked tannerp commented

How can I get n number of items from a single order?

Can someone assist me how do I get 50 items from the order. I have created a source to generate and order but how to get 50 items from the order? Also how to schedule the pick up time ?

simulating production schedules
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Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Joshua S commented

Here is a simple process flow example that creates the orders based on your distribution, then for each order creates an amount of items based on the distribution you gave. It then simulates the pickup with acquiring a "Forklift" and uses the distribution you gave for pickup times.simple-example.fsm

simple-example.fsm (21.6 KiB)
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Ameen S3 commented

@Ameen S3 I'm not sure if you use Process Flow or not. ( I would really recommend it with these type of questions though!)

In process flow you can either use a subflow or use the create tokens activity

In 3D Flexsim you could use a separator or create a small piece of code that creates the items somewhere you want them..

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