
Aditya Kamath avatar image
Aditya Kamath asked Aditya Kamath commented

Simulating Shifts and Changing Production Parameters Accordingly

I have a model built using the 3D Flow approach. Let's say it consists of a number of processors and also a number of combiners that use the output of the processors to create a final assembly. However, the production requirements for the components and products from each of these changes from day to day for the next 30 days after which the simulation must end.

Each day consists of two shifts of 6 hours each. I know I can use the timetable option to create each shift. I also know that I can feed the production data to the processors and combiners using the Read from Excel option. But how I can I ensure that the production parameters for the machines change every 2 shifts (1 day) according to the 30-day production plan? I want to simulate this using the 3D approach.

Any help regarding this is much appreciated!

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FlexSim 16.2.2
importing data from excel file to sourcesimulating production schedulesshift pattern repeat
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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Aditya Kamath commented

@Aditya Kamath maybe can be helpfull try to use the Source Table at Excel import for Arrival Schedule Style at Source in order to define the Arrival Time according your day schedule. Then you'll create a automatic excel import data into the source with the correct order and times to start. Regards.

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