
Marian C avatar image
Marian C asked Marian C commented

Port by case with a round robin distribution or percentage

Hello guys,

Is there a way that a Decision Point can divert same item type on 2 different ports by percentage or round robin ?

Thank you.port-by-case-percentage.jpg

port by case
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Marian C commented

Port by case option returns the port as a number, where the item goes. Since the return value must be a number you can replace the direct single vaule by functions returning different discrete numbers. The function dempirical("global table name", random number stream) is such a statistical function.

The global table first column contains in its rows the sum up to 100 percent, the second column in each row returns the discrete value to the probability of first column.


The port number belongs to the outObject property in a decision point send item by case:

  1. outobject(current,2)

The statistical dempirical distribution returns still the number the outObject is connected to in the option send item by case

  1. outObject(current,dEmp)

· 2
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