
Antonio L avatar image
Antonio L asked Abraham Vo2 commented

FlexScript exception - Label does not exist.

Hi All,

this is my first review of FlexSim and my first model. I'm trying to model a system where two sources create two different parts. One part will be processed in a first Processor and the other to a second processor. If I include a "conditional port" or a "Port by case" in the output of the Queue between the sources and the processes I get this message in the system console everytime a part is processed:

time: 18.000000 exception: FlexScript exception: Label property Type retrieved on /Queue1/Box. Label does not exist. at MODEL:/Queue1>variables/sendtoport

Also, the system is not working as expected. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

FlexSim 18.2.0
exceptionconditional portport by case
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Roi Sánchez avatar image Roi Sánchez commented ·

Hello @Antonio L, would it be possible that you attach the model? Then, it could be seen what it is happening and help you.

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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered Abraham Vo2 commented

@Antonio L

Hi Antonio,

Port by case logic will work on the basis of label-value on the created item. The error that you get is because you didn't set a label value on the created item.

I have attached the model for your reference have a look at it.



support-1.fsm (266.2 KiB)
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Antonio L avatar image Antonio L commented ·

Thank you gilbert jerald. That was the key.

The model you sent was very helpful.


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Abraham Vo2 avatar image Abraham Vo2 commented ·
Hola que tal amigo @gilbert jerald . Un favor . Me podrías ayudar en una simulación parecida al error que le salió al amigo @Roi Sánchez
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Abraham Vo2 avatar image Abraham Vo2 Abraham Vo2 commented ·

te dejo mi correo bro espero y me puedas ayudar [email protected]

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