
Jim Montgomery avatar image
Jim Montgomery asked Adrian Haws commented

Please help with "Exception" Error

crmh-ed-ver-8x.fsmCould someone please help me to understand the reason I am getting the following error message every time I attempt to save my model, and what can be done to fix it?

exception: Exception Caught in Navigator::onReset() object: /DefaultNavigator

exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction230__project_library_FlexSimEventHandler_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnReset object: /DefaultNavigator class: /DefaultNavigator

FlexSim HC 5.0.12
crmh-ed-ver-8x.fsm (7.3 MiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Adrian Haws commented

I'm not sure what was causing the exception to fire, something was just causing Default Navigator to not respond properly. I seemed to fix the issue by simply deleting the navigator. (I went into the model tree and found the default navigator and deleted it, FlexSim then creates a new one when it's called.) That seemed to fix the exception. If it happens again, let us know. (Also make double sure to back up your file before you delete it, just in case.)

I'll reattach the model here: 1673-crmh-ed-ver-8x.fsm

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