
Idoia A avatar image
Idoia A asked Clair A commented

Date Time Source Excel Import


I am trying to use the Date Time Source importing the schedule from Excel. I am using a weekly repetition, the problem is that every time I import the Excel file, the table changes: Monday and Tuesday are replaced by Quantity and Name, so the source doesn't work. This happens in the advanced table as well, it doesn't look as it should.

It's the first time I have tried to import an Excel file so I may have done something wrong while importing, I would appreciate any help. I attach pictures.

Thank you in advance,


FlexSim 19.0.2
importing data from excel file to source
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Clair A commented

@Idoia A

I talked with one of the developers and he said the UI for that table can be misleading. There are 2 buttons in the top right of the window, "Table" and "Advanced". The Table option is a basic outline of the week, but the Advanced option shows a more complete and real representation of how the schedule is working.

The first and second columns with be the start and end times, or Start Time and duration, but the next 2 columns need to be quantity for how many tokens will be created and the second needs to be name for the name of the tokens being created. In the normal view of the UI, anything else after that are labels. So you will need the format of the table you are importing to look more like this

which will account for your whole week in second.

Then you can toggle this button to have the model import the excel file every time the excel file changes on reset.

Sorry for the confusion.

pic1.png (64.6 KiB)
pic2.png (28.4 KiB)
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