
Enrique Elizaga avatar image
Enrique Elizaga asked Joerg Vogel commented

How to edit curves with touch pad?


Editing a path network with the mouse works perfectly. When I don't have it available, I am baffled to see that if I press "X" and press on the handles or curve nodes, no additional curve nodes are created. Is there an option I can change?

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Enrique Elizaga commented

Hi @Enrique Elizaga,

This is not a problem with FlexSim, but rather a feature that is likely on your laptop. You are welcome to verify this, but while you are holding down any key, your left-click on the track pad is disabled. So, in FlexSim, this means you can't use a track pad while holding A or S for connections, X or B for network nodes, and other features.

You should test this by attempting to open an instance of Google Chrome or other desktop shortcut while holding down a keyboard key. If it doesn't click, that will confirm that it is a laptop setting and not a problem with FlexSim's code.

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