
Ssu Ying C avatar image
Ssu Ying C asked Joerg Vogel answered

source - arrival schedule and follow uniform distribution

Source output a product per 10 mins, but the product's inter-arrival time follows uniform distribution.

That means even if the product 1 was scheduled output at 9:00, product 2 was scheduled output at 9:10.

Product's inter-arrival time ~U(-10 mins, 10 mins)

Product 1 will arrive at 9:00+U(-10 mins, 10 mins),

Product 2 will arrive at 9:10+U(-10 mins, 10 mins).

How can I set it's arrival schedule?

sourcesource schedulearrival scheduleuniform
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered
@Ssu Ying C

, you can't set a negative time in arrival schedule. You can only compute a long time before the uniform distribution should happen the single time stamps and insert them as a time stream into your model.

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