
Lucas Klein avatar image
Lucas Klein asked Phil BoBo edited

Animation Editor only for rigged objects?

I've downloaded a .fbx model of a room door that is not rigged but has animations. I've imported the door shape in the model and opened animation editor, when I access the "Edit Animation Clips" I can see there are some animations but the object itself does nothing.

Does the animation clips editor only works if the object is rigged and has bones on it? Or there is another way to execute those animations?

Follow attached the model and the 3D shape that I'm trying to animate.

Thanks in advance.



FlexSim 19.0.2
animationanimation creatorfbx
room-door-2019.fsm (236.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Yes, the mesh animation system in FlexSim only works with bone rigged meshes. It does not handle shape animations without bones.

If you want to animate shapes without bones, export each shape separately and bring them into FlexSim as individual components in the animator. Then animate them directly with the animator.

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