
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
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Omar Aguilera Rico asked Ben Wilson edited

Problem with animation!

I want to use the FlexSim 2018 Beta animation in FlexSim 2017, save the animations in the ".t" file to load them to FlexSim 2017, if it loads them, but when trying out some animation the operator only stands and does not represent its animation. Is there any solution for this? If not, how can I modify an animation of an operator other than "Legacy"?

I tried to develop the model in FlexSim 2018 but since it is "Beta" it has some errors when I try to run my model that I already shared with the developers.

FlexSim 17.2.3
animationanimation creator
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

The issue you sent to [email protected] has been fixed. You can download an updated version of the beta from

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Ben Wilson edited

You should add the fbx file in the Animation Clips window:

This post has some more explanation in the comments. The User Manual has more information at Using 3D Objects > Creating Custom Objects and Animations > Creating Custom Animations under the heading Creating Animation Clips.

addanimation.png (196.2 KiB)
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