
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Joerg Vogel answered

Is there a way to reference a group of timetables?

In a ProcessFlow I have a Wait for Event for a TimeTable to Resume. This works great but I have many possible TimeTables which can Resume.

So, is there a way to reference a group of TimeTables in the Wait for Event instead of just a specific one? If there was a code box in the Wait for Event I could create the logic with IF/Then but there isn't. I also can't seem to create a Group of TimeTables.

FlexSim 19.0.2
time tables
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

The time tables are objects inside of the tree. You can put nodes into groups. You can evaluate the resume event of the members of the group. Please look at the attached model: resume-event-group-of-time-tables.fsm.

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