
Ayman Labib avatar image
Ayman Labib asked gilbert jerald rolled back

AGV Infinite Loop

Hello, I'm following the "TASK 4.2 - AGVS USING PROCESS FLOW" from the Flexim Manual but the 5th AGV Vehicle never stop running... Is it a bug? Thank you, Leandro


FlexSim 19.0.0
agv tutorial
agv-model-test-01.fsm (158.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered gilbert jerald rolled back

@Ayman Labib


The problem in your model is the pickup "control points" are not Deallocating when AGV is passing the pickup point. since the control points are not deallocated, the process flow logic instructs the AGV that, still there is an item on the pickup point. This makes you AGV5 to keep on revolving around the loop without entering into the parking point even though there is no item on the pickup point.

Solution: I have made a change in pickup control points deallocation. Initially, it was" Deallocate when pass current" now I have changed to "Deallocation At next control point".

I have attached the model for your reference



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