
patryk N avatar image
patryk N asked Steven Hamoen commented

Can we make explode using fluid ?


I'm writing to you because i need help with Flexim.

I need to simulate the explosion using fluids.

Does anyone have such a simulation and could share it? I would be very grateful: D

FlexSim 19.1.0
3d shapeexplodeexplosion
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Dawid Dabal avatar image
1 Like"
Dawid Dabal answered Steven Hamoen commented


Ben is right.

If you want to have some kind of explosion visualization you can use MTBF/MTTR and down trigger to spontaneously change the 3d shape for "explosion like".

explosion.gif (748.9 KiB)
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered patryk N commented

Hi @patryk N,

As a discrete event simulation platform, FlexSim is not the ideal tool to simulate an explosion and its effects on surrounding equipment, people, etc. You probably need a physics engine or something similar.

Where FlexSim could come in handy is modeling the processes before the explosion, or the cleanup/repair efforts after. FlexSim is all about modelling the processes in a system, so disaster response, cleanup, repair, rebuild, etc. are more toward FlexSim's strengths.

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