
Xu Chunqi avatar image
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Xu Chunqi asked Matthew Gillespie answered

The truck heads forward

Hi, I have a question.

When I use the networknode in Version 2016, the truck heads forward.

But the truck didnot head forward in Version 2017.

Picture above is what I want, below is what I donot want in V2017.

How can I change the truck in V2017 which can look the same in V2016 ?

Need your help, thank you.

FlexSim 17.2.5
v16.png (124.4 KiB)
v17.png (16.3 KiB)
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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann commented ·

Could you share an example model? Or maybe better both V2016 and V2017.

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Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi Sebastian Hemmann commented ·
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truckv172.fsm (15.1 KiB)
truckv162.fsm (15.7 KiB)
Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi Xu Chunqi commented ·

The first version is V17.2

The second version is V16.2


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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

The 17.2 release includes this backwards compatibility note,

"Changed operators to not change their incline rotation when traveling on inclines."

The Truck flowitem is an Operator object and thus no longer rotates on inclines. The main benefit of the truck being an Operator is that it doesn't change Z height during offset travel (it won't climb into the air to pick up a box on the top shelf of a rack for example). If you're willing to trade this benefit for the previous incline behavior you can make the truck a generic Task Executer object instead.

You can run this script to turn the truck into a Task Executer:

  1. treenode truck = node("MODEL:/Tools/FlowItemBin/Truck/Truck");
  3. classes(truck).subnodes.clear();
  4. treenode class = classes(truck).subnodes.add();
  5. = "TaskExecuter";
  6. class.value = library().find("?TaskExecuter");
  8. superclasses(truck).subnodes.clear();
  9. treenode superclass = superclasses(truck).subnodes.add();
  10. = "Dispatcher";
  11. superclass.value = library().find("?Dispatcher");
  13. rebindobjectattributes(truck);
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