
Nicole S2 avatar image
Nicole S2 asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How to prioritize one Processor before another


Hi all,

I got a question about prioritize a processor.

In my model the last processor decides if the item gets into the second processor or directly into the queue.

Setting: If the items in processor 1 and in processor 2 are finished at the same time, the queue should always take the item from processor 1 first, so that processor 1 doesn´t get blocked.

I only got one type of items in my model.

How can I set this prioritization in the Flow Tab by Pull strategy?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


FlexSim 19.0.2
pull strategy
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1 Answer

asb.p avatar image
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asb.p answered

Simply connect processor 1 to queue first then connect processor2 to the queue.

This makes Queue to look for parts in processor 1 first if part is not available in processor1, the queue will look for parts in processor 2.

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