
Pruthviraja M avatar image
Pruthviraja M asked Pruthviraja M commented

Pallet Stacker

Hi,Here Pallet stacks should release stacks of empty pallets,not one by one!!pallet-stacker.fsm

FlexSim 17.1.6
pallet stacker
pallet-stacker.fsm (17.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
1 Like"
Jeff Nordgren answered Pruthviraja M commented

@Pruthviraja M,

I believe that you want to use a Combiner object rather than the Queue object. In you attached model, I substituted a Combiner for your Queue. Didn't give it the "look" you had but you can change that as you'd like.

Would something like this work for your situation?



· 1
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