
Farah_najihah A avatar image
Farah_najihah A asked Farah_najihah A commented

Stack, Batch, Release

How can I transfer a stack of item as a batch without using combiner?

eg: I stack up to 10 boxes in queue, then release the 10 boxes together. after transferring the 10 boxes together, I need to release them 1 by 1 at a certain time.

or is using combiner the only way?

FlexSim 22.1.1
batchstacking itempallet stackerpallet destack
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Farah_najihah A commented

@Farah_najihah A Please take a look at tutorial 3.1 Here you have an operator taking multiple items in 1 go with process flow. Once you have them in the next location you can use another process flow to release them 1 by 1 or as in the example use a machine with capacity 1.

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