
MarianCretu avatar image
MarianCretu asked Benjamin W2 answered

Disable a Decision Point

problem.jpg Hello,

How is it possible to disable a decision point based on a state of a photocell ?

For example I need all the boxes to be diverted on conveyor A but when conveyor A is full (photo eye blocked) I need all the boxes to continue on conveyor B.

FlexSim 19.1.1
decision points
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered


I believe the answer to your question is to use the "On Arrival" trigger of your first decision point to send the item to one of your further decision points based on the state of your photo eye.

  1. Make sure your conveyors are actually connected. You will know your conveyors are connected when a black diamond with two lines appear.
  2. In your picture, you have the decision points connected with center-port (S) connections. They need to be Port (A) connections.
  3. Double click the upstream decision point to open the properties. Click the green plus in the "Triggers" field. Select "On Arrival"
  4. Click the green plus next to the "On Arrival" trigger. Select "Send Item".
  5. Next to the "Condition" field. Select the sampling icon. Hover over your upstream photo eye and click. In the menu that opens, select the menu that looks something like, model().find("PE1").as(Object).stats.state().value. This will get the state of the photo eye.
  6. The full text of the "Condition" field should look something like this: model().find("PE1").as(Object).stats.state().value == STATE_IDLE
  7. Check to make sure the destination field says: current.outObjects[1].
  8. Click "OK" to save this trigger.
  9. Double click on the photo eye on the 3D model to open it's properties.
  10. Set the "Block Time" to 3 seconds.
    1. Note, this will not put the photo eye into the "BLOCKED" state unless a box blocks the photo eye for 3 seconds. You can change this value to whatever you would like.

This should give you the behavior you are looking for.


conveyorpe-19-1.fsm (36.4 KiB)
conveyor-joining.png (185.7 KiB)
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