
Kamil S avatar image
Kamil S asked Kamil S commented

"rank" is ambiguous - flexsim-module-template


I'm moving my usercommands into a .dll. When I try to use ,,rank" command, VS gives me an error: "rank" ambiguous symbol. There's any solution to solve this problem?

I' ve tried VS 2013 and VS 2017 - none of them work,

Other (please specify)
module sdkmodulestemplate
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Kamil S commented

Try this:

  1. FlexSim::rank(myNode, 3)

Alternatively, you can try this:

  1. myNode->subnodes[3]

If neither of those work for you, could you post more of the error message or a code sample that won't compile?

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