
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen asked Jon Abbott commented

Error after saving savedefaultviewproject

@anthony.johnson @phil.bobo If we do savedefaultviewproject for saving 1 or more modules and close Flexsim and then reopen Flexsim, it often shows a system console with the following error message:

exception: Exception caught in SimpleDataType::bindSDTNode() on MAIN:/project/exec/events/1. A module's class bind() methods may not be implemented correctly.

It is not limited to 1 particular module or Flexsim version. Sometimes after saving again it disappears or sometimes it seems to disappear by itself (we are not sure ;-) ) Any idea why this is happening?

FlexSim 17.0.3
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Jon Abbott commented

When we save defaults, we save with 4 modules: AGV, AStar, Conveyor, and ProcessFlow.

We haven't been able to replicate this problem.

Can you send more information and files with replication steps that we can follow to duplicate this issue?

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