
christophe C2 avatar image
christophe C2 asked Joseph Gillespie commented

Record the total occupied minute per day of a bed area ?


How can I get the total occupied minute of a bed area by day ?

I suppose that I need to use the data collector with a time interval recording ? Bur how to set up the other parameters in order to get the total occupied minutes ?

I need to export these data in order to evaluate the variability by day.

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim HC 5.3.4
datadata collectorvariabilityoccupied minute
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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Braydn T commented

I'm not sure where you got the spreadsheet of data from above. Usually you only get one value for the location or area's dwell time (either min, max, avg or total based on the widget settings) in a Location Dwell Time dashboard widget.

The dwell time option you chose for the column definition in the data collector gets the time a patient was dwelling in the location they exited from. Notice the option suggests "This option works best with a patient or item exit event" for the Recording Event. There's not a pick option, but the following expressions can be used to get the dwell time of a location. To get the dwell times for an area you would need to combine the dwell times for all the individual locations within the area.

  • return get(stats_staytime(theLocation));
  • return get(stats_staytimemin(theLocation));
  • return get(stats_staytimemax(theLocation));
  • return get(stats_staytimeavg(theLocation));

The easiest approach would probably be to use the Statistics > Output Raw Data menu option as shown here.

This will give you results that look like this from the model you attached earlier. Notice the model has a warmup time so the information at the end of the warmup day (time 10080) is reset to 0, and then you get values at the end of each day (every 1440 minutes) after that.

Will this work for you?

chris1.jpg (96.3 KiB)
chris2.jpg (774.6 KiB)
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Cliff King avatar image Cliff King commented ·

p.s. I think the column you'll be interested in is the one named "Occupied Time".

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christophe C2 avatar image christophe C2 commented ·

Thanks @Cliff King for this really helpful answer. I never noticed before the time interval option in the output data settings! How can I manage this with an experiment and different replications ?

If I make 5 replications of one scenario, I get 5 differents output files, right ? Is it possible to get the output raw data with all the replications results in one file ? or should I assemble manually the 5 output files together..

(About the dwell time above and my spreadsheet, I got it directly by clicking on the widget and export data. but the widget was setting as line chart.. maybe it's for this reason I don't get a single value.)

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Cliff King avatar image Cliff King christophe C2 commented ·

You get what you get with those output files, so you'll need to combine them later. If you went through the extra effort of using a data collector that records total occupied state time at the end of each day, you could get a single report I believe, but i'm talking from imagination rather than experience...

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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered christophe C2 commented

You should be able to use the Locations > Dwell Time dashboard widget. In the Display Settings for the widget, choose "Total" for the "Statistic to Show".

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christophe C2 avatar image christophe C2 commented ·

Thanks @Cliff King

Something is still not clear about Dwell Time dashboard widget :

When I export the data I get this :

What is the time indicated? Is there a record for each new arrival of a patient in the bed area ?

How can I change the time record in order to get the total occupied minute per day ?

If I try to use the data collector with a 1440 min interval, I have this warning message :

what does it mean ?

thanks in advance for your clarification.

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