
Pruthviraja M avatar image
Pruthviraja M asked Pruthviraja M commented

how to pick items by means of layers by robot

biscuit-packing-by-robot.fsm Hi all,here i firstly need to make layer of 3items(in between PE1 & PE2) & then that layer will be pushed by pusher to the conveyor2,and on conveyor2 has to store 4 layers now(ie: 4layers*3items=12in total).once the 4 layers formed on conveyor2 robot must be pick that layer and to be placed into the biscuit box at station.

thank you.

FlexSim 17.1.6
packingrobot pickingpusherlayer forminglayer picking
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Pruthviraja M commented

Here is your model with the changes. I deleted some stuff and moved some stuff around. The conveyors are both slug building conveyors now, that then send their items to queues, the gray squares, and then process flow takes care of changing their visuals. You will have to build some logic for it if the robot breaks down and the conveyor starts to build up with items, I don't have that logic built in for that.


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