
Antonio R8 avatar image
Antonio R8 asked Aaron C commented

How to set up warm up time every day

How can I set up a warm up time of half an hour for the whole plant every day?

I could exclude that half an hour from my timetable but I want that time to be also taken into account when looking at the total time spent in the process.

Is there a better way to allow for half an hour every day before all the processors start working?

FlexSim 19.0.2
warm up time
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1 Answer

Aaron C avatar image
Aaron C answered Aaron C commented

You could add all of your processors to a group, have a token created at the beginning of each day and trigger the following code:

Group processorGroup = Model.find("Tools/Groups/Group1");
int i = 1;
while (i <= processorGroup.length)
Object downobject = processorGroup[i];
int state = STATE_STOPPED;
int id = 1;
double priority = 100;
downobject.stop(state, id, priority);

This will stop all processors, then delay for half an hour and use : downobject.resume(1) to have them kick back on.

· 7
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Antonio R8 avatar image Antonio R8 commented ·


Thank you Aaron,

The principle sounds great although I'm not sure how to apply all that properly.

I've created the group and the token, see model attached but I'm not sure if that was the way you meant.

See model attached.

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Aaron C avatar image Aaron C Antonio R8 commented ·

@Antonio R8 This image should explain everything you need to make it work. If you re-create this with your processors, you should be good to go.

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processorgroup.jpg (314.6 KiB)
Antonio R8 avatar image Antonio R8 Aaron C commented ·


Thank you again Aaron. That's perfect. I'm getting there. The only thing is that how do I set up the time for when the token is created. The shift starts at 22:30 every day but the Inter-Arrivaltime cell doesn't let me specify that time.


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02.jpg (176.8 KiB)
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