
Aaron C avatar image
Aaron C asked Joseph Gillespie commented

How to set only the relative rotation of an object?

I am attempting to make an object behave as an aircraft would when it turns. Meaning, it must roll on the OBJECT's relative x-axis, and then pull up on the OBJECT's relative y-axis. (For my purposes, I never want the object to rotate on it's relative z-axis). However, when I rotate on the object's x-axis, and attempt to rotate on its y axis, it actually rotates on the WORLD y-axis. Is it possible to change this?

FlexSim 19.1.1
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Yes it is possible, if you compute the angles you need in the system of FlexSim. But I would build this by a container structure and use more objects. The first and root object as a container rotates alone in relation to the x - axis of the world coordinate system. The next object inside of the container rotates in relation to the container alone around the y - axis.

If you need objects to behave the mentioned way the container is a Plane Object, wherin you place the object that does something in your model.

If items should behave like this, I would edit the Shape Factors of the item to be very small in the Flow Item Bin, that this shape looks invisible under General Tab of the Properties. Then I edit the Visual/Animation area under General Tab and add in the Animation Creator a Component. I exchange the component shape that it gets the shape of the item and I resize it accordingly. You edit the dimensions, rotation and location of the component in the quick properties after highlighting it.

The yellow frame is highlighting the item, the component is selected in the red frame.

You find later the component under drawsurrogate node as an attribute of the item.

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