
Trevor M2 avatar image
Trevor M2 asked zacharyh answered

Insert queue between two objects without changing port order of upstream object

I want to insert queue 3 between processor 1 and processor 2 using the "duplicate HO's Inputs" from the "edit selected objects" menu while maintaining the output port order of processor 1. Currently, the output ports are based on order of creation and it is messing with my routing logic. Any ideas greatly appreciated.

FlexSim 19.0.2
edit selected objectsport order
insert-queue.fsm (17.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered

The "duplicate HO's Inputs" will "destroy all the selected objects' input ports and creates copies of the highlighted object's input port connections to all objects in the selection set."

I am unsure of what input ports you are trying to add to queue 3? If you wouldn't mind explaining your desired routing logic a little more.

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