
Akshay P avatar image
Akshay P asked Akshay P commented

Multiple layouts for the same process flow

staticfinal.fsmDear all,

I am carrying out a study, wherein I want to compare several different layouting options for the same set of machines. I already have a process flow logic designed for the setup, it is just that I wish to compare it with several other different arrangements (like S, U, L shop floor designs etc.) and generate performance statistics for each case. Is it possible to link the existing process flow logic to several layouts and test them side by side?

Also, does FlexSim provide any default layouts within the software that can be used as a probable option as well?

PFA my current layout and process flow.


Akshay Pundir

FlexSim 19.1.1
process flowsimulationstatistics
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp commented

Hi @Akshay P,

Thanks for attaching a model to your question to help us answer it.

Unfortunately, FlexSim doesn't have any default layouts built in. This is due to the nature of the product; FlexSim relies on the user to define good inputs and therefore achieve good outputs.

The process flow you have can be duplicated for multiple layouts. I would recommend building the new layouts in the 3D and then attaching them to a duplicate process flow. I don't know how your model is designed on a deeper level, so I can't build an example, but if you have any specific questions about your model, we are happy to help! It will be up to you, however, to build the layouts and process flow to your requirements.

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