
Robert F2 avatar image
Robert F2 asked Robert F2 commented

Sending items to conveyor

I am trying to send different amounts of parts to a conveyor but keep the same order. For example, I have 5 queues (19,17,18,16,57) sending parts to a conveyor by Round Robin but I would like the last conveyor (57) to send 7 parts in a row to the conveyor.

Another question I have is how to cause a wait time when a specific item enters the combiner. For example, when 1 piston is placed in the combiner the robot waits 30 seconds before loading another part into the combiner.

Thanks for any help!


FlexSim 19.1.1
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Robert F2 commented

Hi @Robert F2,

Here's an example that might help. I adjusted the code in the Entry Transfer for the "Round Robin" logic to run a kind of loop pattern. There's a label on the Entry Transfer that counts how many items come from Queue57. If the port is port 5 (Queue57), it increments that counting label and asks for more items until the label reaches 7 items, at which point the port will ask for Queue19 again and start over. All this is contained in the "Pull from Port" code in Entry Transfer 8.

For the second question, I just used a label and Process Flow. When a piston is created, I give it a name: "piston". In the Process Flow, any time an item enters the combiner, it checks to see if the name of the item is "piston". If it is, Process Flow activities stop the robot, wait 30 seconds, and then resume the robot.

Hopefully this helps. Feel free to comment back with any questions!


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