
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen asked Jordan Johnson commented

Bug with entry transfer and rack

have a product with size 0.6*0.4 and I put it in a rack with a slot size of 0.68. In the attached model if I don't rotate the product in the entrytransfer of the conveyor the product can be placed in the slot. But if I rotate it (as done in the model) it won't go into the rack while the size is even much smaller than the 0.6.

Other remark, on reset the slotsize is recalculated based on the nr of slots and the bay size. Can't this also not be be done on apply of even when the focus is removed? Because now you have to reset, close and reopen the GUI to see the new value.


FlexSim 19.2.0
newrackproblems.fsm (49.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

This is a bug, which is related to DJ's bug that he reported. It has now been fixed for the next release. Just so you know, the hasSpace() method takes into account the item's current rotation. So hasSpace() asks is there space for the item, the way that it is rotated right now. We have also improved the documentation to say that for the bug fix release.

On the other note, if you click on the graph panel, it should update. For example, if you change the Bay Width, and then click on the graph window, the number in the slot size should update. This is easier than closing the window. This issue (and a couple others about the dimensions tab) are on the dev list.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen commented ·

Hi @jordan.johnson

Unfortunately the problem is not solved in 19.2.1. It still stops at the end of the conveyor if you use item orientation Forward Y+ on the onentry transfer of the conveyor!

Thanks for the tip to click in the graph panel. That does the trick!

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Steven Hamoen commented ·

Thanks for letting us know. It is on the dev list with a high priority. We'll get on it.

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