
Diego R9 avatar image
Diego R9 asked Ben Wilson edited

School Proyect

Hi, i´m a student and i have to do a proyects in FlexSim. I am asked to simulate an assembly line with different WorkStations. Each station has its own set of containers, so each stations uses different pieces. When a container is empty, a lift should get a new box and send to the stations that needs a refill.

I only know the basics of FlexSim, but if someone has some tips on how to do this problem i would really appreciate it.

FlexSim 19.2.0
simulationinventoryassembly line
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Ben Wilson edited

Hi @Diego R9,

Welcome to the FlexSim Answers community! We are happy to help you in your model-building endeavors, but there are some Best Practices for using the site that will help you get the assistance you need. Please review those as you begin to post here.

That said, the FlexSim tutorials are a great place to start. The whole point of being a student of FlexSim is to learn the software, right? We want you to succeed, so we've provided tutorials in the User Manual that will help you learn the basics of FlexSim. There is a specific tutorial that teaches you how to build a model that functions very similarly to the one you mentioned. There are parts being used in a Processor and every so often, a refill of parts is required. Please reference Tutorial 4 in the User Manual to learn this system. This tutorial utilizes Process Flow, a feature of FlexSim that allows for the creation of complex models.

Let us know if you have any specific questions after you've started your own model. Thanks!

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