
Sandeep Kumar I avatar image
Sandeep Kumar I asked Sandeep Kumar I commented

Transfer of item in pallet using process flow

robot-transfer-from-pallet.fsmHello Users,

I am trying to transfer an item in a pallet from a conveyor to a processor using a robot. I used token.item.subnodes[1] to load the item from the pallet and unload it onto the processor. My program shows an error in the unload operation. Please review the model attached.

FlexSim 19.2.0
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1 Answer

pc neo avatar image
pc neo answered Sandeep Kumar I commented

The error is the result of not having the reference in the label "part" in token.

I've made change as shown in the attached pic (highlight in yellow), also moved label activity to be before Load activity. The model seems to work fine. :)


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